Deuteronomy 4:9 (“The Message” translation)
“Just make sure you stay alert. Keep close watch over yourselves. Don’t forget anything of what
you’ve seen. Don’t let your heart wander off. Stay vigilant as long as you live. Teach what you’ve seen
and heard to your children and grandchildren.”
Forgetful? Me?
Not so long ago I attended an online prayer-meeting of Scripture Union International. Among the
participants were representatives of SU Ukraine and representatives of SU Russia. We were praying
for peace between these two countries – a prayer still waiting to be answered. Suddenly I realised
that one of the issues was that campers and counsellors from SU camps in Ukraine and those from
SU camps in Russia would not be forced to shoot and kill each other, as they were conscripted into
the armed forces.
Now, a few weeks later, I realise that I haven’t thought about this or prayed about it for a long time.
Since the war in Ukraine no longer generates the same media interest, I seem to have forgotten the
urgency and desperate situation of my brothers and sisters in those countries. Yet their reality is far
more important than the concerns of my daily life – projects to finish, appointments to remember,
devotionals to write, etc. What are these concerns compared to what is happening in the Ukraine?
What are these concerns compared to what the citizens of Ukraine – and some Russians – are
Yes, we are forgetful. Yes, we find it difficult to remember the essential things. May God keep us
awake and aware. May the important things remain in our minds. And above all, may I remain
vibrant in my prayer life, my focus on the Lord and my love for those who suffer.
Written by Jonathan and Amanda Hanley – adapted from L’Ère du temps, a “thought for the week” based on current affairs, originally published by SU-France and SU-Switzerland.