Sunday Morning 11:00 – 12:00

We gather at Mack every Sunday morning at 11:00. We’re an eclectic bunch, a rich mix of ages, backgrounds and nationalities.

Bible readings

Every Sunday morning service is based around The Bible. We regularly read passages and learn memory verses.


We sing a whole range of older hymns and newer songs led by our music team, as part of our Sunday morning worship.


Lots of our services will have a 20-30 minute slot where someone will talk in depth about a passage from The Bible, or a topic we’re exploring.

Children’s activities

The children normally stay in the main service for about 15 minutes before going to different classes based on their age.

Drinks and snacks

After the service at 12:00 we have tea, coffee and biscuits normally. Feel free to stay and chat.


At least once a month on a Sunday morning we have bread and wine, or ‘communion’. This is something Jesus asked his followers to do.

Sunday Evenings

We do different things each week on a Sunday evening.

First Sunday of the month – No evening service

The first Sunday of each month, we don’t meet in the evening because we run an afternoon activity for young families at Mack.

Second Sunday of the Month – Zoom bible reading at 6pm

The second Sunday of each month, we read the bible together on Zoom at 6pm. We normally use relevant passages from current sermon series or home group topics. Anyone is welcome to join.

Third Sunday of the Month – Communion at 6pm

The third Sunday of each month we hold communion where we take bread and wine together at 6pm at Mack. You’re welcome to join if you’re a committed Christian.

Fourth Sunday of the Month – Prayer at 6pm

The fourth Sunday of each month we hold a focused time of prayer around a topic. Its an interactive session where you’ll be encouraged to take part and share suggestions for prayer.