Mack is overseen by a team of elders and trustees, but is run by a range of different small teams made up of our members who help define what we teach, the activities we run and our childrens and youth work.
The elders are responsible for the spiritual direction and health of the church,
Alistair McGhee: Alistair spent most of his working life at the BBC and has been at Mack now for ten years, he currently chairs the elders and is the church worker. Alistair is married to Cath and they have four children.
Alistair Ruff: Alistair has been at Mack since he was a child, returning after stints of studying and working away from Cardiff. He now works as a designer and lives in Cathays with his wife and two young children. At Mack he’s involved in leading our music team, as well as how we promote ourselves to people outside of the church.
Chris A: Chris moved to Cardiff as a teenager, having grown up in central Africa. He earnt a History Degree in Cardiff University, before going on to join the police. Chris enjoys preaching and helping out with music in church. He is married with two children.
Dave Gamble: Dave moved to Cardiff in 2005 after studying in Glasgow and has been part of the church at Mack for 10 years. He is married to Hannah and they have 3 young children. Dave works for the NHS, at Mack he is involved with childrens work and serves as a trustee of the charity.
Pete Andrews: Pete moved from his home in South London to Cardiff having married Jen from South Wales. Having picked up two careers in residential social work and car mechanics the family have spent the past 40 years working in Rwanda where the work has included the Rwanda Orphans Project, a skills training centre, producing Emmaus Bible courses as well as supporting the Inkuru Nziza Church. They have three boys and five grandchildren
Ian Scale: Ian is a retired public health consultant and has been at Mack Church since 2018 having moved to the area with his wife to be nearer daughters and grandchildren. He has helped guide the church through the pandemic and is working on finding ways to help isolated or disconnected local people find support through the church.
The trustees manage the legal reponsibilities of the church as a charity and the upkeep of the building so we can continue meeting.
John Griffifths (Chair)
Dave Gamble
Jacqueline Andrews – Treasurer
Alasdair Handley
Pete Andrews